About The Windline

When we started kiteboarding several years ago, good wind forecasts for local spots were difficult to find. We had dozens of bookmarks on different websites and spent too much time determining when and where to head to the water. So, we started The Windline, the go-to website for wind info and help us and other PNW wind-sport enthusiasts get more time on the water.

Combining our backgrounds in environmental modeling (wind, waves, rivers) and expertise in software development, we are working on building a fast, intuitive forecast tool for paddling and wind sport enthusiasts in the Pacific Northwest. So far we created daily spot forecasts, forecast maps, charts allowing us to drill down into daily details, and a platform to set up custom alerts -- and we are still building.

Have questions, concerns, or are you excited? We want to know what you think, drop us a line at [email protected] anytime. We read and respond to every email we get.

-Nate and Sean

The Team

Image of Nate VanArendonk

Nate VanArendonk

Full Stack Engineer | Lightbulb Changer

Nate is a geoloist by training and previously worked on wind, wave, and river modeling in Puget Sound. He is a passionate winger, kiter, skier and mountain biker

Image of Sean Crosby

Sean Crosby

Backend Engineer | Data Science

Sean is a physical oceanographer by training and previously worked on wave prediction, optimization, and data assimilation. He is a passionate winger, kiter, gravel+ rider, and runner

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